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Marine From West Chester Killed in Afghanistan reports that a West Chester Marine on his second tour of duty in the Middle East died Sunday after being shot in the chest.  U.S. Marine SGT John Patrick Huling was a 2004 Moeller High School graduate.  He had served previously in Iraq.  Huling had been married to his wife Priscilla for two years.

Huling had been home in March visiting before being shipped out on Good Friday.

Read the article at

Miami Twp. Group Promotes Muslim Teachings of Peace

The Community Press is reporting that a Muslim group in Miami Twp. has published a book that promotes peace through the teachings of Muhammad.  The book, Seeking Peace, was written by Hazem Said, and Maha Exxeddine.  Said is the president of IHSAN, a non-profit group located in Mimai Twp.

Said got the idea for the book during the Egyptian protests last year.  With the book, he hopes to “provide a different insight into the teachings of Islam.”

Read the article at the Community Press.

National Day of Prayer in Clermont County

While it seems like the National Day of Prayer has become a controversial topic at the federal level, it will be observed here in Clermont County with several events.  At 9:00 am, a ceremony will be held at the Milford City Municipal Building, followed by a service on the County Courthouse steps in Batavia at noon.

This evening, residents can participate in a Prayer Walk at Verterans Park in Union Township.  The event begins at 7:00 pm and is sponsored by the Eastgate Community Church.


The origins of the National Day of Prayer go back to George Washington.  It was enacted into law in 1952 under President harry S. Truman.

Former Union Twp. Administrator Pleads Guilty

Local 12 is reporting that former Union township Administrator Doug Walker pleaded guilty to 15 of the more than 70 counts against him.  Those charges involve diverting nearly $80,000 in government money to the business of his son, Mark Walker.  Walker faces 25 years in prison.

Read the article at Local12.

An article in the Clermont Sun written just after Walker was indicted states that Walker had also cast a vote to place his son Mark on the Union Township Board of Zoning Appeals.

Walker is the husband of former Clermont County Commissioner Mary Walker, who was also investigated by the Ohio Ethics Commission for voting to award her son’s business a $58,000 contract in 2006.

Mary Walker resigned in November 2008 after pleading no contest to misdemeanor charges related to that investigation.

Coach Sentencing Delayed

The Community Press reports that former Milford Youth Baseball coach Dan Bullard III had his sentencing delayed on April 17 as his attorney argued for a new trial.

Bullard was found guilty March 12 to grand theft.  He was accused of stealing $12,500 from the Cincinnati Yankees 11 Year-old baseball team.

Read the story in the Community Press.

Refinancing Bonds Could Save Miami Twp. $282,000

The Community press is reporting that Miami Township Trustees voted to refinance two bonds that could save the up to $282,000.  The bonds are for the 2003 purchase of the Miami Township Civic Center and the 2004 Woodspoint Drive extension.

Read more from the Community Press.


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